Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Bandara lepas pantai di Bali utara tidak mendesak:

Menteri Pemerintah pusat tidak akan memprioritaskan pengembangan bandara lepas pantai di utara Bali seperti yang diusulkan oleh pemerintah daerah, dengan mengatakan bahwa proyek semacam itu tidak mendesak, menurut Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi. Dia menekankan, bagaimanapun, bahwa pemerintah pusat siap untuk mengembangkan landasan pacu kedua di Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai di bagian selatan pulau resor. "Kami lebih memilih memberdayakan Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai yang ada," kata Budi di Jakarta, Ahad seperti dilansir Sebelumnya, dia mengatakan bahwa kementerian tersebut sedang melakukan penelitian terhadap proposal yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Bali melalui PT Pandara International Bali Utara (BIBU) Panji Sakti, yang mendapat dukungan dari investor Kanada. Direktur Utama BIBU I Made Mangku mengatakan bahwa perusahaan tersebut lebih memilih untuk mengembangkan bandara lepas pantai karena rencana awal sebuah bandar udara akan mengorbankan 33 kuil Hindu, 121 lokasi bersejarah, jalan, tempat tinggal dan sawah produktif. Made menjelaskan lebih lanjut bahwa Gubernur Bali Mangku Pastika telah melarang penggunaan lahan produktif, kuil Hindu atau situs sejarah untuk pengembangan bandara baru. (bbn)

Bos IMF tidak mengunjungi untuk menawarkan pinjaman, menteri keuangan mengatakan

Presiden Joko "Jokowi" Widodo (kiri) dan Direktur Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde (kanan) berbicara kepada wartawan selama kunjungan mereka ke Rumah Sakit Pertamina di Jakarta Selatan pada 26 Februari. (JP / Anton Hermansyah) Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan kunjungan direktur pengelolaan Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) Christine Lagarde ke Indonesia bukan untuk menawarkan pinjaman, tetapi untuk mempersiapkan pertemuan IMF-Bank Dunia di Bali pada bulan Oktober. “Banyak netizen bertanya kepada saya apakah kunjungan Lagarde adalah untuk menawarkan pinjaman kepada Indonesia. Saya katakan tidak, ”kata Sri Mulyani di Jakarta pada hari Selasa seperti dikutip oleh, menambahkan bahwa Lagarde hanya mengunjungi untuk memantau kemajuan persiapan untuk pertemuan tahunan Kelompok Bank Dunia-IMF. Selama tinggal di Jakarta, Largade juga berbicara pada Pertemuan Tingkat Tinggi Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi 2018, bertemu dengan Presiden Joko “Jokowi” Widodo dan mengunjungi rumah sakit dan pasar, ditemani oleh Presiden. Selama pertemuan dengan Lagarde, Presiden Jokowi memberitahunya tentang kemajuan negara di sektor ekonomi. Sementara itu, Lagarde memuji fondasi kuat ekonomi Indonesia, tetapi ia menekankan pentingnya reformasi fiskal untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dia juga menekankan pentingnya pengeluaran pemerintah yang bertanggung jawab, tidak hanya dalam membiayai proyek infrastruktur, tetapi juga untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan memperkuat posisi Indonesia dalam mengekspor lebih banyak produk bernilai tambah. (bbn)

Rabu, 29 November 2017

The Short Story of The Doll Island

There is a small island t in Mexico which is the place of thousands of dolls mutilated and hanged in on the trees.

The stare from the dolls are so cold that it can scare away the people coming to visit the island. Therefore, if you’re afraid of dolls, do not visit the place.

It was exactly located in Xochimilco, Mexico and called as ‘the doll island’ where you can see the old dolls hanging on the tree.

However, the history of this island is so miserable. A legend says that an actor named Julian Santana Barrera was the first person who hanged the first doll in the island, it was said that it was like he was forced to do it by the screaming of a girl who was drowned near him.

It became a place known as the scariest place ever in the world ever since, but from time to time, the visitors visiting the island would leave a coin and hand a doll until the island was full of dolls and made it even scarier.


The Scary Story of Deadman’s Island


If you hear the name “Stanley Park”, you might think of a quiet park where you can walk on the seawall in the afternoon, but it is actually one of the most haunted islands in North America.

Deadman’s Island is a place of ancient horror stories. The terrifying phenomena and the ghost sightings report is increasing. There are some loud noises at nights, footsteps, and a screaming of a woman.

Supernatural stories of this island have been existed since a very long time ago…

The island was called “Island of Dead Men” by the Squamish people a long time ago and known for a battle zone.

The government offered Samuel Brighouse to buy the island in 1860s but he was turned down. However, his friend, John Morton explored the island anyway.

He explored it with a boat and found a lot of red cedar boxes left in the braches of the trees. He found out that they were fragile when he touched it and some long-deceased inhabitant fossils fell out upon him.

There was a serious disease in the 1890s in Vancouver and the island was used to accommodate the infected people. Having the disease was like getting a dead sentence because they would only be allowed to go home if they could heal.

The island was a great place for logging quarrel and it was leased to American industrialist Theodore Ludgate for building a wood factory.

The people living there were mad because they thought the island was still a part of Stanley Park and shouldn’t have been opened for any businesses.

Ludgate headed to the island with his man in 1899 to do the logging but he and his people were arrested instead.

Some exact same things happen until Ludgate’s land lease expired in 1930.

Police occupied the island at nights in 1909 to keep the lodgers away. They said there were some scary noises and skeletons threatening anyone who would do the logging there.


The Horror Story of Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, New York, AS

This asylum is located in Brentwood, New York and was established in 1931. There were also a fire fighter camp, court, post office, church, and cemetery near it. After it was opened a couple of years later, it had 13.000 patients which made it to be the biggest asylum at the time.

However, there were some reports saying that thousands of patients became the lobotomy and electroshock victims, but when the methods were stopped, the hospital still opens today although there are still some empty wards and space which are scary.

There are also long tunnels full of graffiti, a ward with lots of cracks, fungus on the walls, an abandoned operation table, patient small board names, some medical equipment left for a long time and one of the graffiti drawings tells the visitors not to come into some certain wards.


The Horror Story of Athens Lunatic Asylum, Ohio, AS

This hospital was located in Athens city and established in 1874. The name of it was changed for a couple of times from Athens State Hospital,  Ohio Mental Health Center, until Athens Lunatic Asylum.

It was built for only 500 patients but more than 2000 patients lived there in 1950s. It was expanded and had 78 wards. Some of the insane treatment done were hydrotherapy, lobotomy, and electroshock. The patients often died from Thorazine overdose.

The hospital was then closed in 1993 and the building was given to ohio university. Today, the name of the building is The Rigdes which is still used for medical needs. Still, most of the wards were empty and terrifying because there were more than 1900 patients buried in it.


The Horror Story of Whittingham Hospital, Lancashire, Inggris

The Hospital was located in Lancashire, England and established in 1873. It was the first hospital carrying out the electroencephalograms method which was known as EEFs. It was a program that diagnosed the activity in the cells of the head. It was also the only home for the world war I & II victims.

However, this hospital was famous for the scandals and the vicious treatments to the patients. There were some reports saying that there were some patients left for a very long time without food and there were some of them strangled until they fainted.

It was closed in 1995. After being closed, the plan for it to be a home was failed. The building still remains left and abandoned.
